Holiday Celebrations
Holiday Celebrations
We like to celebrate the holiday in our own special way. For each holiday, the classroom teachers, food specialist, and program director decide on a fun AND healthy snack for either breakfast, lunch, or snack. We also include a curriculum piece in order for our day to be spent in a developmental appropriate way. We plan a special day for several holidays including our long standing tradition of Shamrock Shakes for ST. Patrick’s Day.
Below is an example of one of our celebrations.
Valentine’s Day is very exciting at Sunbeam. Our classroom teachers (PreK’s and Toddlers) set up a special Valentine station for children to make Valentines for their friends. We find this more developmental appropriate and meaningful to the children at this age. It also allows the teachers to take an active role in the skills needed for valentine construction.
We also celebrate Valentine’s Day with whole wheat heart- shaped pancakes and strawberry jam for breakfast. Just as a reminder, we already have a policy that states, no treat bags (with or without food) are to be provided. We ask that you help to support our healthy habits.